Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I don't normally do this - but prayers/thoughts would be welcome

My cousin Donna, a mom in her mid-40s, was diagnosed with liver cancer this summer. She's been agressively pursuing chemo (surgery was not an option), although the prognosis was not good. Donna has a son who just started college.

Yesterday, we learned from my Aunt that Donna has been hospitalized. Her tumors have spread, and she is disoriented and unable to eat. She doesn't have much time left.

I watched my grandmother succumb to cancer when I was in high school. It is a painful, frightening experience. If you believe in prayer, *please* say a prayer for Donna...not for a miracle, but for smaller blessings: relief from pain, a chance to be herself long enough to say her goodbyes, and a merciful ending.


sarah brittany said...

Aww, I will definitely pray for her. I am so sorry.

Callooh Callay said...

Oh, I'm so sorry for what she (and your family) is going through. My thoughts are with you.