Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nah nah...this one's all mine!

I've yielded to the temptation (see my previous post) and am keeping this creation! The colors are just so wonderful together! Plus...when the ultra-supportive hubby says "I think that's your best piece yet" without prompting, it needs to go in MY jewelry box!

The good news for Etsy shoppers (and all other jewelry fans) - I have just enough of that lovely deep blue chrysocholla left to make another pair! YES! I can have my cake AND eat it too! It will take me another day or so to make the "sell" pair...so in the meantime, enjoy my latest listing - "Celtic Dream" bracelet.


Anonymous said...

Hello from the Etsy forum!! :) You have a lovely blog!

Leslie said...

Hey there! i was reading over your blo & its so great. very readable. i believe i will add you as a friend / daily reader

TexasTesla said...

Thanks for shopping by! And Leslie, thank you for the compliments!

I'm off to read too. :-)

Anonymous said...

I had to stop by and say I love your etsy shop. Your blog is great aswell! Keep up the good work

KieutiePie said...

HAH!!! I'm keeping a pair of those teal bead earrings too. Some things just need to be kept!!!

TexasTesla said...

Great minds kieutie - great minds!