We have 19 entries so far - just 11 more to get a consolation prize added!
After much though, I've decided to offer the winner his/her choice of earrings as well as the option of original artwork. Your prize options are:

2. Amethyst Makes it Better dangles
3. Choice of Cubical Art, matted and ready to hang on the fabric-covered wall of your office! (See one offering at the bottom of this post)
Very nice!!
The Amethyst are very nice and I LOVE the Cubical Art. :D
I love the serendipity pearl earrings. Now I need to sell to increase my paypal balance so i can buy...
Those amethyst earrings are gorgeous!
I love to own your purple earrings, they're in my birth stone color. :D
What a nice collection. I'd love to own a piece.
Purple is my fave color. Sure love the Amethyst earrings! Btw, blogged abouth your contest HERE. Thanks!
Hi, You are sponsoring a delightful contest! The earrings are both lovely and the cubicle art makes me laugh because we are always joking with my husband about being in his cubicle all day at work! He has no window, nothing. Please enter me in your drawing. I really appreciate it! Thanks,Cindi
I love those earrings. My daughter is an Air Force ROTC sophmore, and she is always looking for pretty studs to wear, that look nice, but are elegant. Those pink ones are perfect!
Great giveaway!
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