Friday, April 4, 2008

Your Ad Here?

In my poll above (please vote if you haven't already!)...I included a bit about "I'd like to donate..." just for kicks and giggles. Still, 3 people checked it!

Are people interested in donating a small item for a giveaway on this blog, in exchange for essentially free advertising? If you ARE - please leave a comment (with a link or email address) or email me at texastesla (at) gmail (dot) com with what you'd like to 'donate'!

Here's what I'm thinking:

You provide an item of at least $10 value for the giveaway. (You can send to me or promise to mail yourself)

You get:

Top of blog mention for length of giveaway (1 week)

Feature of your store in this blog

Free ad in this blog for length of giveaway

As much promotion as I (and you) are able to drum up in Etsy forums, flickr, myspace, etc


JLC Studio said...

I left a comment above, I would love to do a give away's my Etsy shop:

Fearful Penguin said...

Hi! I would love to do a giveaway on your site... I don't have much over $10 at the moment, but I am currently creating new items, so I would likely have either a bag or jewellery set I'd be willing to donate in a few weeks?

My website is - take a look and let me know what you think!
