Yep, hubby and I broke down and bought a Wii last weekend. The kids' Playstation II died for good, so it was time to just pony up the dough. I'm glad I didn't get it at Christmas...we were able to pick one up for just $340 total, system, Wii sports, 2 other games, and 2nd set of controller & nunchuck. (Just strolled into our local Fred Meyer - no 5am queues for us!)
When the cranky kids were up taking naps yesterday, hubby and I decided to give a few games a twirl...see if we couldn't figure them out and help the youngest. We raced M&M karts (dude...don't buy that game, it's hard). We played tennis, opposing and same teams. We golfed. We bowled. We even played a little baseball.
Without realizing it, we'd spent almost 2 hours playing Wii! (And since we weren't interrupted with "mom, watcha doing?" questions, clearly the kids needed those naps)
Know what happens when you take two 30-something people, make them shovel mulch for 2 hours...then stick them in front of a Wii for 2 hours the next day?

Advil please!
My grandkids love those.i have never done any of the games.sounds like fun.
lol, video games are waay addicting!
Oh yeah, especially these. If you've ever played these sports, it's easy to play this version...very similar motions. Very addicting!
wonderful post...i can totally picture the scene...once in front of that screen it's hard to stop! (occasionally i can still hear the original super mario bros. II theme in my sleep due to too many games during jr. high!)
I love Wii!!!! Wheeeee!! :) It's addictive :P
Ha, Ha! I know how you feel. It does help with exercising. We just bought one for our son in Feb.
I did the boxing and my arms were tired.
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