Friday, March 21, 2008

Are you on it?

I've been updating my blog roll today. It's a list of blogs, stores, and websites I just LOVE to browse.

Etsy is a great place to meet new people, and find new blogs - but I've also stumbled across a few through BlogCatalog and comment pages too.

So...I've added about 6 new blogs that I think are fun. They are mixed in with all my other blog roll favorites. Are you on the list? (If sure to leave me a comment about why you should be!)

It's Friday, late afternoon. Time to go home, get some dinner, and relax from a LONG week at work. I hope you all enjoy your weekend, and be sure to come by on Monday for my DOUBLE FEATURE of great Etsy sellers!


Paula Lynn Johnson said...

I loooove Etsy and can't wait to see your post. And I loove your jewelry.

Would you like some free supplies? I tried to get into beading 7 years ago after my kids were born, thinking it would calm me down . . . and actually it just stressed me out! I way don't have the patience for fine work (same prob with needlework). Anyway, I've got a box full of beads, spacers and such that ain't goin' anywhere . . . let me know if you want em.

TexasTesla said...

Ooh...Please! I'll leave a comment on your blog too - email me at

And thanks for the compliments!

Saph said...

Love your pearl earrings!!! =)

Smarty Pants said...

You linked me! *blushing*
Thanks for the love!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm on it!!

Wonderfully Sew Knit said...

I'm on it too! :o) Thanks