Thursday, May 29, 2008
Ode to the Gym
You take my flabby body and make it less flabby.
Your treadmills and ellipticals are my best friends and worst enemies. Some days I fly gracefully along, others I slog and drip sweat - yet you are always there the next day, ready for me. Let me count off your delights.
The well-muscled arms of the one cute guy.
Mr. Short T-Shirt's soft, blindingly white belly, sparsely covered in long black hair...glimpsed as he does ackward back stretches for no apparent reason.
Me, snuggled up to the air purifier for my crunches on busy days. Oh, the aroma of sweaty men!
And my favorite, the bulging arm veins of Mr Yoga - you can actually watch them expand as he does handstands in the center of the room. Best appetite suppressant I've ever had.
Today I was lucky enough to experience 3 of these delights at once! (The cute guy wasn't there)
How do I keep myself away from you? The call of the book must be so strong...yet I keep returning to you, my dearest. I shall always return...
...until I can live off just celery.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Welcome Back to Reality

Thursday, May 22, 2008
What to do for Father's Day?

- 1. Golf. My stepdad loves it, and would enjoy 18 or 19 holes...but hubby can barely squeak by on Wii golf. Scratch that one.
- Ocean Fishing day trip. Pricey, but can be fun. Except if they actually catch anything, then we have to eat it that night. I'm not a fish fan, and the kids tend to turn up their noses too. Plus, if the Pacific is rough, this might be 8 hours of seasickness. Next.
- Chinook Winds Casino time. Nice Indian casino not far from our rental house - actually sports table games, buffet, shows, etc. Both my guys like gambling of various sorts...but if one or both has a bad day, it could be a short and/or painful experience. I'm thinking no.
- Fancy dinner out. Hmmm, what could go wrong here? Nice restaurant, 4 children, long wait for food. Don't forget the enormous check and automatic gratuity for a party of 8!
- Ok, I'm stuck - can't even think of an option #5. Help!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Product Review: Verde Soap by Bonghinatura

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Help! I can't look away!

Monday, May 19, 2008
I HATE eBay today
But this time, it's truly awful.
I went from 142 feedbacks, 100% positive
To 144 feedbacks, 98.3% positive.
Why? Well, because the % positive score is now based on a rolling 12-month average, for one. (Stupid, huh?)
For the last 12 months, I had exactly ONE neutral feedback. It wasn't from a BUYER. It was from a seller...a seller who piddled around for two weeks, always promising to ship "tomorrow" but never following up. I left that seller a neutral - for shipping time, and for lack of communication. She slammed me back for being "unreasonable" when I expected her to live up to her promises.
Be that as it may...somehow, the idea of a neutral feedback is now lost on eBay. It counts as a negative, period. Neutral = Negative. That's some creative math.
I am SO angry. Seriously, to the point that I'm going to start researching other venues for my auctions. Etsy is great for jewelry, but my designer clothes need a new home. Anyone have a suggestion?
There's Still Time to Join
Friday, May 16, 2008
Friday - Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Mysteries of the Universe, Vol 1
- Cactus Hair. Why, oh why, do balding men think that spiking their remaining hair looks good? Really, honey, it just shows off your scalp that much more!
- "Gotta Getta Deal" attitudes. My friends on Etsy know all about this - people randomly asking for discounts on something you make/sell. We set that price for a reason, it's probably already too low - and you wouldn't ask the checkout girl at Macy's to give you a "special discount" either. Please stop.
- 3. Cellphones at Work. Last I checked, most offices provided phones - free! (At least to us worker drones it's free) You don't need that cell, really. And the rest of us don't need to hear the instrumental version of "Don'tcha" over and over again.

4. Morning Talk Radio. Really, does anybody listen to this nonsense? Ok, yes, I understand paying attention for the contests...but Pet Psychics, random trivia, yelling and screaming...all before the caffeine has entered your nervous system. It's just wrong.
5. Cellphones for Kids. My 10-year-old is asking for one, and there are plenty of kids her age (and younger) with phones. What?!? Why, in heavens name, could they possibly need a phone? They don't drive - they can't get further away than their little feet can carry them.

6. Summer Visitation. At least half of you know what I mean - in divorced families, the kids get to visit the non-custodial parent for 6 weeks in the summer. Since summer itself tends to run 9 weeks or so (stupid holidays), this basically means the WHOLE summer. Don't get me wrong...hubby and I are looking forward to some quality couple time. But the WHOLE summer? Plus, it's hard on the kids, particularly when the 'other parent' doesn't live near you. Who thought this was a GOOD thing for kids anyway?
Monday, May 12, 2008
I'm Mad This Morning

Sunday, May 11, 2008
I'm Featured!
I've heard there might be giveaways, and discounts, and other good reasons to visit. Plus I'm frantically creating new items for this week. Check out my store to see what I've added!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Congratulations! You are Officially a Breeding Sow!

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Kindergarten RoundUp
What a wonderful idea schools have in “Kindergarten RoundUp” (goes by many aliases depending on where you live). Everyone knows that parents are nervous about sending their “baby” to school for the first time. What do the teachers look like? How scary is the classroom? Could my kid get lost on her way to the bathroom? So schools have created a night – usually in May – where parents of soon-to-be kindergarteners can come…child in tow…to speak to the principal, the teachers, the lunch lady, even the janitor. All to try to ease minds, and make moms believe they might not cry on the first day.
Yeah, like that’ll happen.
So RoundUp is a great thing…for that first kid entering school. Maybe even for a later kid, if it’s a new school. But come on; when it’s down to child #4 and year #3 in the school, do we really need to do it AGAIN?
Yes, yes we do.
See, the schools want you there. Who wants to have a party with no attendees? They mail you exciting “invitations” once a week for the two months leading up. Your older kids will see these “invitations” – helpfully addressed to the Pre-K in your house – and read them aloud, often. Before long, your Pre-K is excited about the RoundUp…you’d think she was going to Disneyland again.
Trying to be a “good” parent – whatever the heck that is – you agree to go. It’s always in the middle of the week, and always at a bad time. Just try to get a neighbor to baby-sit kids from 6-7pm on a Thursday night…that’s prime dinner and family time for most people! (Guess who’s helping them paint their trim next month…) Not to mention, those of us who work find ourselves rushing out the door at 5:15pm, driving *just* enough over the speed limit to not get caught…and we still can’t get home fast enough to actually eat dinner before it’s time to go.
After delivering the older kids to the neighbor(s), PB&Js in hand, it’s time to sprint for the school. Mom and Dad are hungry, tired, headachy…and angry when, after you dash through the parking lot to arrive at 5:59pm, the principal waits an extra 10 minutes for stragglers. At least that gives Mom time to take Miss Pre-K to the potty one more time.
Does that teacher lounge have a candy machine by chance?
Finally we get underway – and we start with the same introductions and “importance of reading to your kids” speech that is covered every year. Dad is whispering along with it, requiring a dirty look from Mom. Miss Pre-K is squirmy – “when will he stop talking Mom?” – and wants to go run in the back of the gymnasium like THAT KID you don’t know but already hate.
Finally it’s time for the games and activities – all educational, of course, but fun enough that the kids don’t realize how “good for them” it’s meant to be. The first five minutes are relatively quiet, until the faster kids realize they get ‘prizes’ of cookies and Goldfish crackers for playing these games. Suddenly, the noise level ratchets up to something approaching your old clubbing days, with shorter people.
And no alcohol.
With a smart kid, you can escape this event in 20 minutes or so – and take the bouncing, sugar-laden kiddo home to babble her long story of the evening into the bored ears of her siblings. Mom and Dad, enjoying a second glass of wine, can now relax, assured that on the first day of school, Miss Pre-K-Now-K will probably sprint down the hall to her class with nary a wave goodbye.
And Mom will bawl like a baby.
Can I rhapsodize a bit?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Fitness Challenge for "The Rest of Us"
Well, here's your chance! I'm creating a 12 week Fitness Challenge For the Rest of Us.
What kind of exercise you get is up to you - bike, run, walk, swim, I don't care. (I'm happy to provide links to resources if you want however) This challenge will measure the outcomes of good exercise - endurance, strength, flexibility, and speed. Here's what you do to participate:
- Sign up at my challenge website, and pledge to earn 7 APs (or burn 700 calories exercising, non WWers) per week. Be sure to provide the baseline information requested.
- Visit the challenge website AT LEAST once every 2 weeks to report your latest 'scores'.
- Watch a chart of your progress versus other participants!
- At the end of 12 weeks, the participant with the greatest overall improvement will get a prize!
So what do you say...up for a challenge?
Friday, May 2, 2008
Friday Feature

This week’s featured Etsy seller is JenniferSquires. Jennifer actually contacted ME about being featured on my blog – and after looking at both her Etsy store, and her other website, I was thrilled to

Anyway, back to Jennifer’s work. She bills herself as “fresh photography for hip homes”, and I can see why. Her work is very clean and fresh, with a natural palette that compliments most decors. She has prints available with subjects such as flowers, beans, veggies…as well as landscapes and scenes. Much of her inspiration clearly comes from her own garden!
Jennifer has been a professional photographer since 1996, and made the

Jennifer tells me her inspiration comes from her surroundings. She looks for the beauty all around us, trying to express the simplicity and meaning of the everyday. Her passion for nature extends to her business as well, where she uses environmentally-friendly practices whenever possible: online image galleries, rechargeable batteries in her digital camera, using natural lighting, printing on 100% post consumer paper with soy inks when possible. She hopes to someday find an earth-friendly photo printing process as well.

The gorgeous prints from Jennifer’s shop are available in a wide range of sizes – from 4x6 to 24x30 – making it easy to compliment your décor, whether a large kitchen or crammed cubical. And as a special to my blog readers…Jennifer is offering a 25% discount of ALL her Etsy merchandise, now through May 16th. (Enter code TT0508 in the message to seller)
It's getting better...
My job is quirky. Things will be slow, sometimes dull - then suddenly a deluge of problems and tasks. Despite the best planning in the world, our product introductions seem to always bunch up (creating absolute chaos for my group 4-5x a year). This week, unfortunately, seems to be the tip of another chaos-iceburg. I personally have 2 major projects struggling to get off the another I'm desperately trying to finish. And I'm competing for time and resources with 2 other engineers in similar situations. It's not pretty - particularly, as in this week, when equipment isn't working properly! I've had a horrible week...and little time for blogging, jewelry making, or even doodle-sketching.
Today seems to be starting better. After a rather dry April, I have 3 ebay listings sold today. (Yeah for money) My brother will be in the States all next week - and while I won't SEE him, I'll be able to actually call him. (You try calling someone with an 11.5 hour time difference...harder than you'd think) And - today's crowning glory so far - hubby brought me coffee and krispie kremes at 9am. Enough to share, and butter up many of the people I work with.
So, fingers crossed, I'm entering my weekend in a good way. Who knows, I might even have enough free time to finish my feature and post it today! If not....happy Friday to everyone, and enjoy your weekend.